NEW PHONE NUMBER: 903-288-2020
Looking to create an enduring magical experience your guests will be talking about for years to come? Then you found him.
Ideal for Schools, Colleges, Corporate Events, Casinos, Fundraisers, Resorts, Banquets, Cruise Ships, Fairs, Youth Outreach, Churches, Etc …all good, clean fun entertainment for all ages! Gospel Magician and Entertainer.
Dr H explodes on the stage with an amazing high energy power packed magic Shows! The Fun, The Thrills and The Uncontrollable Excitement and Laughter are always the highlight of every event. Your group will remember this event for a lifetime!
Dr H … Tyler Magician
Magicians rely on practice, skill, and psychology to carry out their tricks, ensuring they create a sense of wonder and amazement. They often keep their methods secret, as revealing the secrets behind a trick would spoil the illusion.

The aim of the professional magician is to entertain using illusions and get paid to do it. Gospel Magic turns all this on its head. The aim of the Gospel Magician it to communicate the truth found in God’s word. Everything else, the effect, the showmanship, the razzle dazzle is all in service to that message. And if it happens to be entertaining, well that’s all to the good.
Ideal for Schools, Colleges, Corporate Events, Casinos, Fundraisers, Resorts, Banquets, Cruise Ships, Fairs, Youth Outreach, Churches, Etc …all good, clean fun entertainment for all ages!
Gospel Magician and Entertainer.
Gospel Magic, Christian Illusionist, Faith-Based Magic, Magical Ministry, Christian Entertainer, Magical Evangelism , Faith and Illusion, Illusions with a Message , Magic with Purpose, Spiritual Magic , Gospel Entertainment, Miracles in Magic, Christian Magician, Magic Ministry, Magician for Christ, Family-Friendly Magic, Evangelistic Magic, Magical Faith Stories, Holy Illusions, Gospel Performance Magic, RicksMagicm Magician Tyler Texas, 903-288-2020